“A house divided against itself cannot stand”……Abraham Lincoln
warned in 1858. Two years later,
Lincoln was elected President of a nation divided by the bitter issue of
slavery. And as he predicted, the house
began to shake.
In June, 1860, the Democratic Party had split apart. Northern Democrats, opposed to slavery, named
Illinois Senator Stephen A. Douglas as their presidential candidate. Southern Democrats nominated John C.
Breckinridge of Kentucky. The
Republicans were united in their antislavery stand and nominated Lincoln, the
Illinois lawyers whose speeches opposing the spread of slavery had made him a
hated figure in the South. No candidate
won a majority of the popular vote, but Lincoln won the largest share and a
majority of the electoral vote.
Infuriated by Lincoln’s victory, South Carolina’s leaders did not
wait for his inauguration. They met in
Charleston on December 20 and voted to secede from the United States. Bells rang out and crowds cheered. The Charleston
Mercury published a special edition with a headline reading, “The Union Is Dissolved.” As the fateful year of 1860 drew to a close,
the U.S. was rushing headlong into the tragic, agonizing Civil War.